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Mail courier in self-hosted Ory Kratos

This document describes the behaviors and requirements of the mail courier that are applicable only when running a self-hosted instance of Ory Kratos.

How many couriers should you run?

Ory Kratos processes email dispatch using a mail courier worker, which must run as a singleton in order to process the mail queue. It can be run as a background worker on a single-instance Kratos setup or as a distinct singleton foreground worker in multi-instance deployments.

Single-instance setup

To run the mail courier in the background on your single Kratos instance, add the --watch-courier flag to your kratos serve command, as outlined in the CLI docs

Multi-instance setup

If you're running multiple instances of Kratos (for example replicated Kubernetes deployment), you need to run the mail courier as a separate singleton job. The courier can be started with the kratos courier watch command (CLI docs).

Template override path

email.subject.gotmpl, email.body.gotmpl and email.body.plaintext.gotmpl are common template file names expected in the sub directories of the root directory, corresponding to the respective methods for filling e-mail subject and body. Both plain text and HTML templates are required. The courier uses them as alternatives for fallback.


If you're running multiple instances of Kratos and separate courier job, make sure to provide templates to all instances (both Kratos and courier).

Error handling

The message_retries parameter defines the number of times the mail courier attempts to deliver a message. This setting applies to both the SMTP server and the SMS gateway. By default, message_retries is set to 5.

If the courier can't deliver the message within the number of retries specified in message_retries, the message gets the Abandoned status and the courier stops trying to deliver it.

# kratos -c path/to/my/kratos/config.yml serve
message_retries: 5

Custom SMTP headers

You can configure custom SMTP headers. For example, if integrating with AWS SES SMTP interface, the headers can be configured for cross-account sending:

# kratos -c path/to/my/kratos/config.yml serve
X-SES-SOURCE-ARN: arn:aws:ses:us-west-2:123456789012:identity/
X-SES-FROM-ARN: arn:aws:ses:us-west-2:123456789012:identity/
X-SES-RETURN-PATH-ARN: arn:aws:ses:us-west-2:123456789012:identity/

Certificate-based authentication

If your SMTP server enforces certificate based authentication, you can configure the client certificate and client private key to use to connect to the server. The files must contain PEM encoded data:

# kratos -c path/to/my/kratos/config.yml serve
client_cert_path: /somepath/client.cert
client_key_path: /somepath/client.key

Custom SMTP HELO/EHLO identifier

If your SMTP server requires a unique identifier for the HELO/EHLO command, you can configure the identifier. Some SMTP relays (e.g. Gmail / Google Workspace) may close the connection for generic identifiers like localhost. The identifier should usually be the domain name of the sending host. If the identifier is not configured, localhost is used per default.
